Monday, 4 July 2011

another day

Few days since blogging, reasons no connection to internet

The last few days have been recuperating from afore mentioned cycling incident, mobility allot better but its hell on earth when I sneeze of have the hiccups.

Woody moved our boat back up to Willington for numerous reasons; test the ongoing limping BMC 2.2 refitted engine number 2; 

We are only really allowed to moor on the cut a couple of weeks at a time or your boat gets a ticket;

As well as needing time and space . How to explain this without offending and becoming a target for revenge?  In life one meets people who you feel a connection with however there are those who appear to want to just argue, victims of their own life circumstances and therefore subconsciously  denying their own failings, thoughts and emotions and then this anger or dysfunctions are ascribed and projected onto others. These type of people often use displacement by taking out their frustrations, impulses and limitations usually by displaying aggression. This in turn leaves the receivers with a sense of bewilderment. They are also the great campaigners, canal curtain twitchers and verbally spout the rules and regulations according to their bible British Water Ways policy book who have rules for themselves but are ever ready to tell you what you are doing wrong in life! But these are few and far between thankfully. 

In the past few days being confined to the boat and the canal side with no escape route that didn't involve running, driving or walking too far I have come across the real boaters who want to share experiences rather than having rhetorical conversations about themselves. 

One such encounter is with a lovely guy by the name of Chiefster and follows the belief of Buddhism, so the time has been past with wonderful conversations, he bought his boat of one of the first people we met on the canal an amazing traveller and story teller by the name of Wilf who is in the process of building a Dutch barge. They say everyone is only six steps away from the any other person on this Earth therefore, a chain of a friend of a friend can connect us to two any other person on Earth, for example, "A friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. 

I have recently come to recognise who to trust and who I can learn from, Chiefster believes we have something to earn about ourselves even from the negative people.


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

late night

the addiction has begun, twitter and blogging. Promised myself I would start to write my thoughts down in a journal. I keep meaning to pick up a camera of sorts again but since I got burgled and lost my computer with all my images as well as back up hard drive ( and yes have learnt now not to keep them in the same place); I have lost some enthusiasm.
I really want to work on the Alzheimer's portraits but what do to with them, they are filled with such emotion and it was a privilege to be allowed into these people's lives as I've mentioned before. They should be seen and shared.


Have woken up still aching, not moaning really but its over a week since I hit a metal post with the front wheel of my pushbike and not at a 'slow' speed.  Ended up in A&E (a nurse's worst nightmare), once they had cleaned the blood off I had only cuts grazes, swollen knee, elbow and bruised ribs.  It's so frustrating having time out from work and not being able to use it, hence the blogging.
I am more upset that I had not long purchased the hand built 1980s Dawes ladies drop handle bars road bike and it's now a write off!  So much for trying to keep fit.
Rather pleased that I wore protective clothing not that there's much to injure in the cerebral area but the benefit of cycling shorts are not to be exaggerated when, at fifty-five years old one's legs are still able to rotate to the back of one's neck albeit whilst somersaulting over handlebars three feet in the air and landing just inches from canal water!
I have to add this is not the first accident and afore mentioned bike, as living on a narrow boat it's sometime a treck to get to the road and whilst moored up some fields and one bridge away I fell head first down the steps trying to carrying my bike crossing the bridge. Bike was saved this time as it landed on me!

I am trying hard not to eat what Woody calls GACK food, ladies call it comfort food as muscle  movement is still slow, jaw action still functioning and am able to see all the jobs on the boat that need finishing. Woody is praying that I go back to work soon!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

continuing with 2010

the previous post relates to the year 2010, and am trying to recall most events as time seems to pass so quick.  I have lost contact with some really good people and hopefully by writing in my blog I'll catch up with some of them again.

I'm not sure if it's an age thing or maybe too much stuff is crammed into the small area of my brain but I tend to have really concentrate to remember. The loss of memory is a concept I am working on with my work alongside the lovely people and family members who suffer with Alzheimer's and allowed me into their lives by taking their portraits. I continue to work on these and hope they will be published as a homage. I'll chat more about this work later.

so much for trying!

Finally got back on to this blog thing, and since the last blog entry didn't think that life could become so up and down so quick not sure where to start!

The year started in March with the birth of my beautiful grandaughter Elizabeth Anne Jones. I was on hand to help with the back massages and words of encouragement as well taking the first photos of her life beginning with us.
Sadly this was followed by a friend taking her own life and one of my closest friend's partner.  So I was torn between the joy of being a grand parent and helping my friend with her loss. 
How many people are affected by a new person coming into the world and another leaving it.